Wednesday, April 8, 2009

CUPS: Unable to open device and permission denied

I use CUPS for my printer system and I got this error:

to open device "
hal:///org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_3f0_217_00SGKGB09615_if0_printer_noserial": Permission denied

How to solve this problem? The settings of the printer was correct and was just a permission problem. Googling a bit, I found this site.

These steps what I did to solve it:
1. cd /usr/lib/cups/backend
2. chmod 700 hal (previously 755)
3. chmod 700 usb (previously 755)

For step 2 and 3, I found out that you have to change the mod to 700 although the file hal and usb has 'rwx' on them on the 'user' part. The culprit was the 'group' and the 'other' part of the permission. They should be chmod'ed to 0. On my system, the 'group' and 'other' part of both files was 5 (r-x) previously.

I hope this saves some people's time of head scratching.


Unknown said...

YOU MY FRIEND ARE A F*****G life saver!

I could not find the answer to this damn problem and came across your post after about two hours of screwing around with a Samsung CLP-310 which HAD been working fine until it was borked by what I think was kernel upgrade.

Your info - yes, I know you got it from somewhere else, but I didn't find it myself :)) - has just saved me from pulling the hair out of my children's heads (I'd already ripped out the hair from the head of my wife and myself) LOL

Thank you very much for taking the time to post this. My friend, your work is in the true spirit of FOSS and Gnu/Linux!



Zamri said...

Thanks for posting the comment. Glad you solved it. :)

yeah.. it's the spirit of FOSS and GNU/Linux.

Knight Samar said...


Thanks a ton Zamri!

It saved us lots of hairpulling and helped us earn a point at our new job! :D

Samar and Maninder

Zamri said...

Hi Knight Samar. Glad to help you.

MonsterHOND said...

You sir - saved my day.....

MonsterHOND said...

You Sir - have saved the day today!

Thanks a million

Zamri said...

Hi MonsterHOND.

Glad to help you. :)

Renew letsencrypt ssl certificate for zimbra 8.8.15

 Letsencrypt certs usually consists of these files: 1. cert.pem 2. chain.pem 3. fullchain.pem 4. privkey.pem I am not going to discuss about...