Tuesday, January 29, 2008

up-imapproxy-1.2.6 released

From imapproxy-info mailing list:


I'm pleased to announce that up-imapproxy-1.2.6 has been released and is
available for download from http://www.imapproxy.org.

Updates since 1.2.5 include:

* General daemon enhancement (closing extra file descriptors at startup,
pidfile support)

* OpenSSL is now threadsafe.

* ipv6 support added.

* In general, this code should be in sync with the debian distribution now.

Many thanks to José Luis Tallón, Jan Grant, Matt Selsky and Antonio Querubin
for their contributions to this release. As always, thanks to Ray Link for
hosting the imapproxy.org site. If I had to pay for hosting, there probably
wouldn't be an imapproxy.org site.

Please send any bug reports, requests, questions, comments, praise, hate,
etc to this mailing list.


More info: imapproxy

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Renew letsencrypt ssl certificate for zimbra 8.8.15

 Letsencrypt certs usually consists of these files: 1. cert.pem 2. chain.pem 3. fullchain.pem 4. privkey.pem I am not going to discuss about...