Thursday, November 3, 2016

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.

If you have error like the following:

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
        LANGUAGE = "en_US:en",
        LC_ALL = (unset),
        LC_MONETARY = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_ADDRESS = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_TELEPHONE = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_NAME = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_MEASUREMENT = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_IDENTIFICATION = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_NUMERIC = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_PAPER = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to a fallback locale ("en_US.UTF-8").
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
        LANGUAGE = "en_US:en",
        LC_ALL = (unset),
        LC_MONETARY = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_ADDRESS = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_TELEPHONE = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_NAME = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_MEASUREMENT = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_IDENTIFICATION = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_NUMERIC = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LC_PAPER = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
        LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to a fallback locale ("en_US.UTF-8").

The solution is to run this command:

sudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8 ms_MY ms_MY.UTF-8

The output :

Generating locales (this might take a while)...
  en_US.ISO-8859-1... done
  en_US.UTF-8... done
  ms_MY.ISO-8859-1... done
  ms_MY.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.

Run the command that produce the error. The error should not appear again.

That's all there is to it. Have fun!

Friday, October 28, 2016

KDE desktop with no taskbar

Depending on the cause of this issue in your case, you may be able to fix it by editing your plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc file and then performing

kquitapp plasmashell && kstart plasmashell

One cause I've run into is the buggy multimonitor functionality sometimes "losing" the taskbar from my laptop screen after I've connected to an external monitor and later disconnected (this was in plasma 5.5 or 5.6, I think). In this scenario, I've found the problem to be the lastScreen setting in the taskbar configuration. To fix this, find the section of text in plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc that looks like:


(Some of these lines may vary in your configuration. In mine, this section was only a dozen lines down in the file, but I have no idea how much that may vary.)

Setting lastscreen=0 fixed the problem for me. I assume that 0 represents my laptop screen, and 1 is the external monitor.

If in doubt, you can always perform the procedure in jozxyqk's answer, and compare the newly generated plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc with your saved plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc.bak before restoring an edited version of your saved copy.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Using bluetooth headset on Linux

I bought a bluetooth headset recently. I got to make it work with my Linux laptop. There are 2 tools that I found useful in my experience in making it works such as:

  1. rfkill - let you know whether particular feature is blocked or not
Example: rfkill list

0: phy0: Wireless LAN
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no
1: asus-wlan: Wireless LAN
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no
2: asus-bluetooth: Bluetooth
        Soft blocked: yes
        Hard blocked: no

As you can see, the bluetooth is soft blocked. It means, you have to turn it on using software. Usually you can enable it using a GUI tool in your KDE or GNOME desktop. If it is hard blocked, it means you have to turn it on by pressing a combination of or a key on your keyboard or a switch. 

2. pavucontrol

Taken verbatim from here:

Pulseaudio volume control (pavucontrol) is a simple gtk+ based volume control tool (mixer) for the pulseaudio sound server. in contrast to classic mixer tools this one allows you to control both the volume of hardware devices and of each playback stream separately. it also allows you to redirect a playback stream to another output device without interrupting playback.

It is a powerful tool to control your input and output devices. If you want to use your bluetooth headset, you can change it here (see picture above).

That's all there is to it. Have fun!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Introducing Pipelight

Hi there!

I was trying to access a page with silverlight on it but I couldnt view the page correctly because I was using Mozilla and Linux. I need to instll silverlight plugin. I could've installed Project Mono but it has been discontinued the project and won't support it in the future. In Ubuntu forum, someone mentioned about Pipelight. The concept of Pipelight is running the plugin using wine (it will run in the background). It solved my problem. I can now access the page and view it correctly. Try it.

Have fun! :D

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How to disable ctl+alt+backspace key from killing your X server in KDE?

I recently accidentally pressed ctrl+alt+backspace key combination. It killed my X server. To prevent it from happening again and to protect your unsaved works, you have to disable this key combination. For KDE 4.x users, below are the steps:

Open the settings page:
Menu --> Applications --> Settings --> System Settings

Open the Input Devices:

Clik on Keyboard and the Advanced tab and click on the Configure keyboard options checkbox:

Find Key sequence to kill the X server from the list and untick the check box for Ctrl + Alt + Backspace

And then click the Apply button to save the settings.

That is all there is to it. Have fun!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Enable or disable a service from autostarting on ubuntu and derivatives

To make a upsmon service to autostart during bootup:

sudo update-rc.d upsmon enable

The output looks like this:

update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/upsmon missing LSB information
update-rc.d: see
 Disabling system startup links for /etc/init.d/upsmon ...
 Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/upsmon ...
 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/upsmon ...
   /etc/rc0.d/K06upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon
   /etc/rc1.d/K06upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon
   /etc/rc6.d/K06upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon
   /etc/rc2.d/K39upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon
   /etc/rc3.d/K39upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon
   /etc/rc5.d/K39upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon

To disable autostart:

sudo update-rc.d upsmon disable

The output:

update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/upsmon missing LSB information
update-rc.d: see
 Enabling system startup links for /etc/init.d/upsmon ...
 Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/upsmon ...
 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/upsmon ...
   /etc/rc0.d/K06upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon
   /etc/rc1.d/K06upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon
   /etc/rc6.d/K06upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon
   /etc/rc2.d/S61upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon
   /etc/rc3.d/S61upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon
   /etc/rc5.d/S61upsmon -> ../init.d/upsmon

To see available services:

service --status-all

Monday, May 16, 2016

Installing thawte SSL cert in Zimbra 8.6.0

1. Create csr and keep your key file. Copy the key file to /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.key
2. Give or upload your csr file to certificate provider
3. Get certificate given by your cert provider after your csr is accepted.
4. Get the root certificate of your provider. For thawte, mine is here
5. Get intermediate certificate. Mine is here
6. Combine the content of the root and intermediate cert files e.g cat intermediate.crt root.crt > commercial_ca.crt and copy it to dir /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial

Below is the steps to verify that the certificates are ok and ready to deploy. You can skip the first step if you have already create the csr.

Single-Node Commercial Certificate

We need to take care and ask for the Certificate authority for the Root and Intermediate Keys, we will need it soon.
We will use at least 2048-bit key, is the minimum for all Certificate Authorities: 1. Begin by generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
/opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr createcsr comm -new -subject "/C=US/ST=CA/L=Sunnyvale/O=Zimbra/OU=Zimbra Collaboration Suite/" -subjectAltNames
2. Next, submit the CSR to the SSL provider and get a commercial certificate in PEM format. Save the new certificate to a temporary file (e.g. /tmp/commercial.crt).
3. Now, download and save the root Certificate Authority (CA) from your provider to a temporary file. (e.g. /tmp/ca.crt)
4. Download any intermediary CAs from your provider to a temporary file. (e.g. /tmp/ca_intermediary.crt)
5. Combine root and intermediary CAs into a temporary file.
cat /tmp/ca_intermediary.crt /tmp/ca.crt > /tmp/ca_chain.crt
6. Verify your commercial certificate.
/opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr verifycrt comm /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.key /tmp/commercial.crt /tmp/ca_chain.crt
**Verifying /tmp/commercial.crt against
Certificate (/tmp/commercial.crt) and private key
(/opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.key) match.
Valid Certificate: /tmp/commercial.crt: OK
7. Deploy your commercial certificate.
/opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr deploycrt comm /tmp/commercial.crt /tmp/ca_chain.crt
** Verifying /tmp/commercial.crt against
Certificate (/tmp/commercial.crt) and private key
(/opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.key) match.
Valid Certificate: /tmpt/commercial.crt: OK
**Copying commercial.crt to /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.crt
**Appending CA chain /tmp/ca_chain.crt to
**Saving server config key zimbraSSLCeretificate…done.
**Saving server config key zimbraSSLPrivateKey…done.
**Installing mta certificate and key…done.
**Installing slapd certificate and key…done.
**Installing proxy certificate and key…done.
**Creating pkcs12 file /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/jetty.pkcs12…done.
**Creating keystore file /opt/zimbra/mailbox/etc/keystore…done.
**Installing CA to /opt/zimbra/conf/ca…done.
If you get error "unable to get issuer certificate, please look at the steps in the link below.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Changing display manager on Linux Mint using command

If you used to login to Linux using GUI, it means you were using X display manager. There are many display managers. Among popular ones are gdm, kdm, mdm and lightdm. You can change display manager using gui tools but you can also use command for that purpose. On Linux Mint (and i think on other debian-based distros), you can use this command (say you are using gdm):

dpkg-reconfigure gdm

A dialog will ask you whether you want to change to other installed display managers or not. You can replace mdm with other installed display manager.

That's all there is to it folk. Have fun! :D

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Proxmox KVM usb passthrough

Proxmox KVM usb passthrough

Open KVM monitor for your KVM machine in Proxmox GUI or in the command line with the following command:
# qm monitor 168
Entering Qemu Monitor for VM 168 - type 'help' for help

Show the usb devices info from your host machine:
qm> info usbhost
  Bus 4, Addr 2, Port 1, Speed 12 Mb/s
    Class 00: USB device 046b:ff10, Virtual Keyboard and Mouse
  Bus 6, Addr 2, Port 2, Speed 1.5 Mb/s
    Class 00: USB device 0624:0294, Dell 03R874
  Bus 2, Addr 3, Port 1, Speed 480 Mb/s
    Class 00: USB device 0930:6533, DataTraveler 2.0
  Auto filters:
    Bus *, Addr *, Port *, ID 0930:6533

According to device “USB device 0930:6533” in the example, add the device to guest machine:
qm> device_add usb-host,id=myusb,vendorid=0x0930,productid=0x6533

Verify that the new usb device is added in your guest:
qm> info usb
  Device 0.1, Port 1, Speed 12 Mb/s, Product QEMU USB Tablet
  Device 0.3, Port 2, Speed 12 Mb/s, Product QEMU USB Hub
  Device 0.4, Port 2.1, Speed 480 Mb/s, Product DataTraveler 2.0

After using it, remove usb device from your guest:
qm> device_del myusb

If you run the command again, you will see the usb device is gone from your guest:
qm> info usb
  Device 0.1, Port 1, Speed 12 Mb/s, Product QEMU USB Tablet
  Device 0.3, Port 2, Speed 12 Mb/s, Product QEMU USB Hub

This has been tested in Proxmox 3.0/957f0862


Saturday, January 16, 2016

FreeRDP - The Free Remote Desktop Client for Linux

RDP stands for Remote Desktop Connection. It is a way to connect to Windows desktop/server. Default port is 3389. If you use Linux, there are 2 client programs: 

1. rdekstop is the old client. Support Windows XP,2000,NT,Windows Server 2012 R2.
2. freerdp resumes the work of rdesktop and support new MS authentication for remote desktop.

To connect to Windows, following is the example: 

xfreerdp -u login -p password

There are many other options. Just run xfreerdp -h to see them.

mplayer-gui error : Error in skin config file

After installing mplayer-gui package, I can't start it.

$ gmplayer
MPlayer 1.1-4.8 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.
Error in skin config file on line 6: PNG read error in /usr/share/mplayer/skins/default/main
Config file processing error with skin 'default'

After googling a bit, I found out that it was due to the png files in dir /usr/share/mplayer/skins/default. This is the default skin directory. To fix this error, I have to install ImageMagick package because I want to use the convert program to convert all of the png files to format png24. Thus,
cd /usr/share/mplayer/skins/default; for FILE in *.png ; do sudo convert $FILE -define png:format=png24 $FILE ; done

Rerun gmplayer and all should be fine.

Have fun!
UPDATE (02-10-2017)

It doesn't work on Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) but there's a workaround here.

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:mc3man/mplay-skins to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/mplay-skins
sudo apt-get update 
Now just upgrade the related package by running:
sudo apt-get upgrade 

Have fun!

Renew letsencrypt ssl certificate for zimbra 8.8.15

 Letsencrypt certs usually consists of these files: 1. cert.pem 2. chain.pem 3. fullchain.pem 4. privkey.pem I am not going to discuss about...