Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mandriva 2011 codenamed Hydrogen is out

I just copy this as announced on Mandriva blog:

Hooray! As promised earlier, we are happy to announce that Mandriva 2011 is out. You can download ISO images from here.

When downloading an iso-image, perhaps you will want to read the Release Notes.

We prepared a small manual of how to upgrade to the new release for users of the Mandriva Desktop 2010.2.

If you have never tried Mandriva, take a look at the Mandriva 2011 Tour.

Happy upgrading :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Merging video files

Recently I downloaded 2 video files which is actually a video file splitted into two for faster upload by the uploader. To merge them on Linux, we can use the command cat like this:

cat video1.mkv video2.mkv >> video.mkv

And it took seconds to complete merging. Now I can watch the video in 1 file.

Have fun!.

Renew letsencrypt ssl certificate for zimbra 8.8.15

 Letsencrypt certs usually consists of these files: 1. cert.pem 2. chain.pem 3. fullchain.pem 4. privkey.pem I am not going to discuss about...